In playing Neverwinter Nights for some time now, Necromancer and I have decided to build a custom persistant world that fits our style of play as well as our own story line. This will be a very ambitious project and will take some time to complete. If you know nothing about NWN a persitant world is their equivalent to Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) but supports less players but allows for full customization by the creator. We are currently working on the story line and preliminary ideas. We are thinking of releasing this world after the release of Neverwinter Nights 2 in the early part of next year. So if you are a computer geek and know scripting, level building, character modeling etc., drop either one of us a line and let us know that you are interested. The official Phoenix Project website is currently under construction so check there often for the latest news.
If you aren't inclined to help us build a new world come join us online. We are currently playing on the Adventure Island (deeper dungeons) server that can be found in the multiplayer area after the game has been launched. Also, we have an official guild at We are the "Dread Pirates Brigade". Log on to the official site, click on search guilds and type in our guild name. Send us a request and you will be on your way to becoming a pirate.